This standard specifies thermal performance for protective gloves and other hand protective equipment against heat and/or fire.
The European Standard EN 407:2020 is the revised version of the former EN 407:2004 Standard.
The main reason for introducing this new standard is that domestic oven gloves are now included in the regulation for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
This revised version of the standard introduced a second pictogram, which replaces the current pictogram where no flame protection is claimed:

It is used when the performance level for limited flame spread is 0 or x (x=not tested). When this new pictogram is used, the customer is made aware that the glove does not claim any flame protection. The intention behind introducing this new pictogram is for clarity purposes, helping the customer make the right choice in terms of the correct hand protection for their needs regarding heat and/or fire protection. The previous pictogram is used for flame protective gloves with a limited flame spread performance of at least level 1.
The six performance levels that follow both pictograms remain the same as in the former standard EN 407:2004. The EN 388 abrasion test requirement was removed in the new standard, retaining only the tear test requirement. This means that gloves marked with EN 407:2020 must achieve at least Performance level 1 for EN 388 standard tear resistance. They also must comply with the European Standard EN 21420:2020.
The 2020 version of the standard contains sizing requirements for minimum length for gloves that claim protection against small and large splashes of molten metal.
To claim performance levels of 3 or 4 for any thermal properties, the limited flame spread test must also be performed, scoring at least a level 3. If this requirement is not met, the maximum level that can be reported for any of the thermal properties shall be level 2.

- aLimited flame spread (x, 0-4)
- bContact heat (x, 0-4)
- cConvective heat (x, 0-4)
- dRadiant heat resistance (x, 0-4)
- eResistance to small splashes of molten metal (x, 0-4)
- fResistance to large splashes of molten metal (x, 0-4)
Level X means that this test cannot be carried out on this particular glove. The higher the level, the better performance.
a – Limited flame spread (Performance level 0-4)
Based on the length of time the material continues to burn and glow after the ignition source is removed. The flame is held against the material for 10 seconds.
1 |
≤ 15 |
No requirement |
2 |
≤ 10 |
≤ 120 |
3 |
≤ 3 |
≤ 25 |
4 |
≤ 2 |
≤ 5
b - Contact heat (Performance level 0-4)
Based on the temperature range at which the user will feel no pain for at least 15 seconds. The glove’s material is exposed to high temperatures (up to 500°C) during the testing. To gain the relevant performance level, the temperature inside the glove cannot increase more than 10°C within the threshold time (15 seconds).
1 |
100 |
≥ 15 |
2 |
250 |
≥ 15 |
3 |
350 |
≥ 15 |
4 |
500 |
≥ 15
c - Convective heat (Performance level 0-4)
Based on the length of time the glove is able to delay the heat transfer from a flame.
Samples are subjected to the incident heat from a flame, and the amount of time is measured to increase the glove’s inside material by 24°C.
1 |
≥ 4 |
2 |
≥ 7 |
3 |
≥ 10 |
4 |
≥ 18 |
d - Radiant heat (performance level 0-4)
Based on the length of time the glove can delay the transfer of heat when exposed to a radiant heat source.
1 |
≥ 7 |
2 |
≥ 20 |
3 |
≥ 50 |
4 |
≥ 95
e - Small splashes of molten metal (Performance level 0-4)
The number of molten iron drops (other metals can be tested as required) required to heat the glove sample by 40°C shows the performance level the glove corresponds to.
1 |
≥ 10 |
2 |
≥ 15 |
3 |
≥ 25 |
4 |
≥ 35 |
f - Large quantities of molten metal (Performance level 0-4)
A quantity of molten iron is poured onto the sample, which has a piece of simulated skin attached to the sample. The weight of molten metal is measured, determining how much molten metal is required to damage the simulated skin. The test has failed if metal droplets remain stuck to the specimen or if the specimen is punctured or ignited.
1 |
30 |
2 |
60 |
3 |
120 |
4 |